Friday 27 March 2009

The Rhythm Method

This is going to sound a little weird, so stick with me.
Relationships are a little bit like dancing. (Maybe I have seen Billy Elliott too many times)
They both require strong partnerships, co-ordinated effort, and most importantly, a sense of rhythm. It’s all about understanding each other’s timing.
If it’s someone you haven’t seen in years, it takes a while to tune into the other person’s rhythm, and then it’s like you were never apart. But it’s the same for people that you see every day. As soon as your regular rhythm is interrupted, it takes a little while to get back into one another’s timing.
So far so good, but this blog isn’t about how to make your friendships last.

Think about your relationships at work – with clients and colleagues.
Commit yourself to keeping a steady rhythm. Check in, catch up and stay in touch.
Your colleagues will be quicker to support you, and your clients will feel more connected to what you’re offering.
That way, it’s less time spent catching up, and more time getting on.