Tuesday 17 March 2009

Eat The Frog

How good are you at managing your time?
The fact is, we all have a habit of leaving the crappy jobs ‘til last.
Which means that the job we are not looking forward to hangs over us like a storm cloud, we put it off and put it off, extend our deadline, move it down the to do list.
It then starts affecting our attitude, our mood and everything else we do, it casts a shadow over the rest of our day, our week.
If you haven’t already read it, I highly recommend
Eat That Frog! By Brian Tracy.
In it, he explores the positive benefits of tackling the least appealing task that faces you that day first.
If you get that horrible thing done first then everything else, as today’s kids would have it, is gravy.
Please note that I’ve even embedded the link directly to Amazon in this post, so you procrastinators have even less of an excuse.