Wednesday 4 March 2009

Its All About Me

What are credentials presentations for?

I haven’t forgotten, it’s kind of a rhetorical question.
But it’s one we should be asking ourselves every time we head out the door with a laptop and projector under our arm.
The thing is, ego gets the best of us, and we go on and on about how great we are, this big, this many people, this many awards. So far so blah, blah, blah

As my old mate Gareth Dixon of Rainmaker said last year – in his influential new business report “no clients want PowerPoint”.

We need to go back to the word credentials. According to the dictionary it means “a document giving evidence of the bearer's identity or qualifications”. So when someone asks us for credentials, they just want to make sure that we can do what we say we can do.

I sometimes wonder how easy it would be to go into a presentation and make the whole thing up. And chances are, that’s exactly what some people do when the credentials presentation comes around.
Gone are the days when ‘creds’ used to mean bank details, headcount and client referral letters.
I think the key now, is to pull together a relevant credentials story for that client, on that day at that time.

What we’re capable of, who we are, and what makes us a unique bunch of people to work with, that could be one sheet of paper

Best of all for Jack Morton it’s all true.