Tuesday 3 March 2009

Made To Measure?

Great news - Jack Morton, those are the guys I work for, managed to make the Times Top 100 places to work list. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/best_100_companies/article5666884.ece
Not only is this a great achievement in itself, it also means we're in pretty prestigious company.
So what now?
Do we sit back and wait for the great and the good to congratulate us?
I don't think so.
As tremendous as this achievement is, this is really just the first step on a journey. A journey that starts with an objective “Let’s be a great place to work”
We're 59th this year, which means that next year we don’t want to do any worse and maybe we’ll do a little bit better.But at least we'll know what we're measuring.
That's the thing about measurement - it's not a cure-all panacea for all your business ills.
It's simply a guide to what you're doing well, or what you should be doing better.
It's an all too common problem.
We spend so much time talking measurement, metrics and return on investment, that we focus too much on the 'how', overlooking the 'what' and the 'why'.
Take time to consider what success looks like.
Think about your objectives, and ask whether those are really the right goals for your business. Focus on what’s mission critical.