Thursday 5 March 2009

Let's Get Naked

Hard as this may be to believe, but I wasn’t always a hit with the ladies.
In fact, when I was 15, I struggled to make an impression with the girls.
On reflection, I think part of the problem was my outspoken views about transparency and honesty. Never one for games and routines, I was keen to get to the point.
Unfortunately, I always expressed that as desire to get naked, to get to a position of essential honesty, that didn’t really work for my audience.
Many years later (no prizes for guessing how many years ), I’m a little more successful, but my opinions haven’t changed. I think 15 year-old me had a point.
It’s all too easy to hide behind artifice and insincerity, when what people really want is something real.
A real connection, a real experience, a real relationship.
That’s what we as agencies should be giving our clients. Let’s not forget that ultimately, people buy people. So the more real we are, the more likely it is that clients will opt to work with us over our competition.

If we’re true to ourselves, they’ll know exactly what they’re getting. And chances are, they’ll like it.
So let’s get naked. Strip away the facade and show ourselves for what we really are.
Who’s with me?