Tuesday 14 April 2009

"Why Do You Miss When My Baby Kisses Me?"

Many years ago, Neil Armstrong was interviewed by Walter Cronkite (legendary TV newsman), and he was asked for his opinion on jogging, which at the time was the latest health and fitness craze. His reply: "I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street."

Aside from the fact that I'm a sucker for a great soundbite, Armstrong actually touched on a scientific truism.
We have all been given a finite number of heartbeats, and interestingly, it's the same number for many different groups of animals.

According to this report, it's been proved that we're each given around one and a half billion heartbeats. The healthier we are, the slower we use them up.
Makes perfect sense right?

This is going to be a tough year for all of us. We're going to be working longer and harder than ever before. So we owe it to ourselves to make sure that we're healthy in body and mind, if we're going to stay on top of what's expected of us.
(If you watched the Masters this weekend, you saw Phil Mickelson – playing great golf and looking fantastic)
Go for a run, a walk, start swimming, buy some rollerblades.... Ok forget the rollerblades
Whatever it takes - you'll work better and you'll live longer.
Think of this as the blog that saves lives.