Wednesday 13 May 2009

Don't Take This Personally...

How many times have you heard “Sorry, it’s nothing personal – it’s just business” as an excuse for bad behaviour?
I lost count of how many times I’ve heard it years ago, but it’s no less annoying than it ever was.
Whether it’s a sharp tongue, harsh decisions or just plain appalling behaviour, people see the workplace as a coverall excuse for all sorts of shortcomings. And when questioned, they tell you it’s nothing personal.
But they’re wrong.
Business is always personal, because any business is just people.
For us in the communication business it's a double whammy.

As I've already said elsewhere in this blog, we are working through the medium of people and we need to work more collaboratively.
I’m not saying everyone has to genuflect and doff their caps at each other, but let’s at least try and keep it real