Monday 25 May 2009

Are Friends Reunited?

There’s been an explosion of websites in recent years allowing us to track down those long lost school friends and find out what they’ve been up to in the intervening years.
Never mind the fact that half the people we get in touch with we couldn’t stand at the time...all right that’s just me.
This got me thinking about the school brain boxes.
The ones who were always top of the class. I’d love to know how many of them are successful now. I have a theory that many of them peaked early. There’s no doubt that a great education, good grades and degree will have helped many of them into great jobs – but only on the facts they could remember and the success they’d already had.
It’s the kids at the back of the class, the ones who watch, think and take it all in, who grow into the real successes. They leave school without having discovered their own true strengths yet, so they end up working much harder to try and change the future.
David Geffen, Peter Jackson, Richard Branson, Michael Dell. They were all high-school drop-outs.
Maybe there’s some truth in that old saying,

“History may be written by academics but it's rarely created by them.”