Wednesday 20 May 2009

Release The Pressure

If you believe what you read in the press, you’d be forgiven for seeing the world economy as a giant steam valve that’s straining at the seams, ready to explode.
Just last week an article in the London Evening Standard looked at the pressure being felt by a group of people as a result of the recession.
Cab drivers are feeling it – black cabs are swooping in and stealing each others’ fares, whereas mini-cabs are simply ramming each other out of the way. It all sounds a couple of steps away from a post-apocalyptic Mad Max-style hellhole.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Any machine designed to operate using pressure has a release valve, and humans are no different. Unfortunately, since many of us thrive on pressure, we’ve forgotten that it’s something we need to control, rather than allowing it to control us.
If you’re riding out the recession and enjoying surprising success – stop waiting for the other shoe to drop, you’re obviously doing something right.

And if you’re feeling the full impact of the recession, take this opportunity to look around and see what you could be doing differently.
Before you know it, the pressure will have lightened.
Just be sure to stand back from the curb next time you hail a cab.