Monday, 7 December 2009

Loving The Status Quo

On Friday I argued that incumbents need to work twice as hard to keep an account, because of how much we all hate to lose something.
But what about the people who think that the incumbent never stands a chance?
Try looking at it this way…
We are all pattern-forming beings.
We like routine, pattern, convention.
We sit in the same seat.
We park in the same space.
We order the same things from the menu.
Because change takes effort.
Evolution hurts.
That’s why we stick with the same bank even though they annoy us.
Why we stay with the same insurer even when the premiums go up.
Why we never cancel those subscriptions, even though there’s a pile of unopened magazines on the coffee table.
Clients are no different – think of how much effort it will take to onboard a new agency, get to know the new contacts, and bring everyone up to speed.
Now, you’ll have to excuse me, I’ve got 48 copies of National Geographic to get through.