Thursday 30 April 2009


Have you ever lived somewhere with only one decent restaurant?
I have, and let me tell you – no matter how good the restaurant is, is gets dull after a while.
The fact is, competition is a good thing. It’s healthy, and it gets everyone to raise their game.
Remember Avis built a whole brand positioning on that premise, arguing that since they were the second most popular rentals company, they tried harder.
I sometimes hear grumbles during a pitch, “It’s just a beauty parade”.
A competitive pitch keeps us on our toes.
The way I see it, there are very few reasons not to pitch.
Even against an long established incumbent.
It pushes your creativity, enthusiasm and ingenuity. And it makes you give your all in establishing a genuine rapport with the client.
These all sound like good things to me.
So next time you’re invited to pitch, roll up your sleeves and get stuck in.
Like I said, competition is good.
But beating it is even better.