Tuesday 28 April 2009

From Good...To Great...To WoW!

Let’s face it; we all want to be the best we can be.
But to achieve this, we need to start out totally unaware of just how good we already are.
That’s either brilliant or I’m an idiot.... yes OK but read on anyway.
It’s simple really.

If you set out on a job, a project, or assignment thinking about difficulties, obstacles and the limits of your capability, you’re never going to go any further.
To take that next step, to get to the top of your particular tree, if your first thought is “We’ve never done that before,” your second thought should always be “So let’s go for it.”
All those things that you think you can’t do, they’re the things you should be doing.
Remember Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb.

According to legend, it took 1,000 attempts to perfect his invention, but he never saw these as failures.
In his words: “I never failed, I just discovered 1,000 ways not to make a light bulb.”

As Thomas himself said "Have faith go forward"