Tuesday 7 April 2009

Show Some Love

You’ve probably all heard of Secretary Day, where people try to make up for a year of treating someone like a dogs-body by buying a card and a bunch of flowers.
But I’ve got another suggestion, it’s bold, it’s radical I'd like to propose a 'Love Your Boss' week.
The thing is, great leaders are few and far between.

Management is about control, whereas leadership is about inspiration.
It’s not easy either, although a great leader makes it look easy.
Running the business, staying on top of the finances, reporting up, down and across and still managing to have fun in meetings and give open, honest feedback. All the while pushing the organisation to be the best version of itself and pushing us all to be the best versions of ourselves.
As Robert Altman, said in his Oscar acceptance speech

"The role of the Director is to create a space where the actors and actresses can become more than they’ve ever been before, more than they’ve dreamed of being.”
I look at Julian Pullan, the Managing Director of Jack Morton here in EMEA and I marvel at how he manages to do all of that.
It's a big job, and somebody’s got to do it.

But not everyone can, so be sure to say thanks.

I know that he’s my boss , but like Roy Walker - I say what I see.