Friday 10 April 2009

We Built That

Imagine how it must feel to have been involved in the creation of a genuine landmark, whether it’s the pyramids at Giza , the Empire State Building or the Burj Dubai. That sense of pride and accomplishment is like no other feeling on Earth.

I speak from experience, but not because I was around when the pyramids got their planning permission.
(Oh come on! I wasn’t!)
It’s because I get the same feeling from the amazing projects we deliver year after year.

When I look at the videos of the Olympics opening ceremony, or the simultaneous launch of Zain across Africa or the CES experience for NBC Universal, I feel a genuine sense of pride in what we’re able to accomplish. (Jack's stuff )

So take a look around at the great things that you and your colleagues have achieved, and feel good about them.

It’ll give you even more confidence in what you do, day-to-day.