Monday 6 April 2009

Who’s right?

I occasionally like to mention inspirational thought-leaders, and today it’s the turn of Edward de Bono, the famous author of Lateral Thinking amongst others.
I met him once at a book signing, and when he asked what he should write in the book I’d just purchased, I suggested “Kevin, Thanks for all of your help." He smiled and signed his name, anyway...

One of my favourite books by de Bono is I'm Right, You Are Wrong, which looks at the Socratic way society operates.

The way our society has grown up it’s a case of your idea vs my idea, and the winner is the last one standing.
Unfortunately, this means that for anything to progress, one idea needs to be destroyed.

de Bono argues that a far more positive and effective way of working is to not see every conversation as a debate. Instead of destroying the other person’s point of view, try to find a way merging the two ideas.
They’ll be stronger for it.
It’s about construction rather than destruction, and it’s a much happier place to be.