Shocking, I know.
Especially coming hot on the heels of yesterday’s talk about recognising genius.
When I spoke in Stockholm last week,
I found myself fielding some pretty huge questions.
Where’s the world heading, what will happen to the economy, that sort of thing.
So what qualifies me to speak with any authority about such major issues?
Let me put that a different way – is anyone really in any position to answer those questions categorically?
Of course not.
When I ask myself what gives me the right to answer those kinds of questions, I realise that it’s the confidence to take the question in the first place.
Most open questions don’t have a right or wrong answer.
So when someone asks you a question, you’ve already done enough to earn the right to answer it.
More importantly, they’re not only looking for your answer.
They’re looking for a marker for their own beliefs and opinions
So just give them what they asked for.