Everyone knows I’m a big fan of Seth Godin.
And not just because we cast the exact same shadow.
His books are always a fascinating read,
His newest title is called Lynchpin, and I recommend you give it a whirl.
Seth’s central conceit is that we are all geniuses.
He talks about Albert Einstein, whom everyone agrees was a card-carrying genius.
And yet, Einstein sometimes had trouble finding his way home.
I guess even a genius can have his off-days.
Nobody’s a genius 24-7.
But we all have flashes of genius.
I’m reminded of that fact every day I come to work.
I’m constantly in awe of the brilliant ideas, level of thinking and intelligent insight that goes on here at Jack Morton.
We each bring something different to the party, and collectively, we achieve genius.
Rather than a noun bestowed on one person,
I think the word ‘genius’ should be an adjective used to describe the flashes of brilliance that we’re each capable of.
Seth believes that almost every business works like a factory,
I have a different view of our idea centric business
It's genius.