Monday, 8 March 2010

Stories from my bible ...Lazarus

Brand Experience is a very "real" form of communication.

There is no hiding behind a facade when you are out there face to face with the community you are trying to reach

That’s maybe why I love it so much

Face to face beats everything else for me.

Even e-mail.

I came across and interesting piece of research the other day

It took two groups

Let’s call them A and B

I hate long introductions

Group A all met each other face to face and had time to get to know one another in person,

They were then given a conflict to resolve by e-mail

Group B got a similar task, except no face-to-face meeting or face to face communications.

6% of the Group A failed to come up at a good resolution.

Group B?

39% couldn’t agree

Get up from thy desk and walk ..........