Wednesday, 3 March 2010

OK ...So I’m Sensitive, Deal With It

Do you remember Athena?

Not the Greek goddess, I mean the high street poster shop.

For a while there was one in every town centre and shopping mall.

Most people had at least one Athena poster print in their home.

Everyone recalls the female tennis player with the itch and the hunky guy nursing a baby.

But there was another one that was very popular in the seventies.

It said “You can’t truly love someone until you’re willing to let them go.”

Brands are acquisitive by nature.

They’re always on the lookout for new friends.

They find people, invite them in and try to manage their behaviours and interactions.

However, a good experience brand needs to have the confidence to walk away.

It’s not about turning their back on the people who matter most to them.
Instead, it’s a case of making introductions between their fans and then leaving them to get on with it.

As an experience brands you need to be well managed and carefully controlled, but flexible around the edges.

Your fans will thank you for it.