Tuesday 9 February 2010

William Elliott Esq.

Have I ever mentioned my son Fox before?
In case I've overlooked it, he's currently the lead in Billy Elliot in the West End
In fact we've just got home after show 182
After 22 months in the show he's coming to the end of his run -after all, he's now 14 years old and you can only play a 12 year old for so long.
With the finish line in sight, Fox has blown me away with his hunger and energy for going out on a high.
It's all too easy, when the finish line comes into view, to lose focus and commitment.
Not Fox.
He's found a way to make the role new and different every performance, and I know he'll keep doing it right to his last performance.
He knows that the regulars in the audience (and there's a whole bunch of them) will be looking for new bits and the newbies will expect the best show ever.
Life is a series of bittersweet endings and exciting new beginnings.
Its up to you to recognise the next part of the journey and go out on a high.
When you know the end is in sight, you've got two choices
Wind things down or ramp things up
My tip?
Leave the audience on their feet yelling for more.