It’s a rich area, and if you look at the many “moments of truth” during the process there are lots of places
Here is a great piece that Steve Martin of Influence at Work shared the other day that shows the more personal you make the offer, the more dramatic the results..
It was to do with those mints that we’ve all seen on the way out
Yes I know the stories…
The base line was the restaurant doing just that, providing mints in a bowl on the way out.
That correlated to an amount of tips.
The tips went up just over 3%.
When the waiters offered the mints prior to signing of the bill.The tips went up just over 14%.
Then they tried something different.
The waiter presented the patrons with 1 mint per guest, then gave the bill and left,
The results were incredible....
23% increase in tips.
This was due to the high amount of personalization customers felt in that situation