Thursday 6 August 2009

Don’t Order The Soup

I started my career in catering, and trained as a chef.
Great cooking skills weren’t the only things I took away from that early phase of my working life.
I also made a simple rule for myself which, I never dreamed of breaking.
My Rule?
Never have the soup.
It’s simple really.
I always considered it as a waste of a choice.
But there I was this week, sitting in a restaurant and finding nothing that really grabbed me on the menu.
So I ordered the soup, and it turned out to be one of the most delicious things I’ve ever tasted.
As I finished the bowl, I found myself wondering how many other options I’d closed my mind to, based on ill-informed reservations and prejudices.
The wasted choice wasn’t picking the soup from the menu, it was all those times I’d missed out on something great because I thought I knew best.