Monday 27 July 2009

You're Right, They're Wrong

They say many hands make light work.
But they also say too many cooks spoil the broth.
Should you look before you leap, or remember that he who hesitates is lost?
Even the Bible struggles, telling believers ‘an eye for an eye’ and ‘turn the other cheek’.
The opposite of an immutable truth is often another immutable truth.
If you’re making a list of pro’s and con’s, you’ll usually find that the con’s list is easier to write.
Because in our hearts, we know it’s never going to work.
It’s funny.
Everyone thought Galileo was either mad or a heretic for believing that the world was round, until Columbus proved him right.
Then again, everyone was convinced that Da Vinci’s sketches of flying machines were fanciful nonsense, until the Montgolfier brothers proved that, actually, man could fly.
And don’t even get me started on the fact that we were all certain that our banking system was infallible.
Until you make your new idea a reality, everyone else will be certain that it won’t work.
They might be sure of their beliefs, but they’re the ones that are wrong.
So get out there and make it happen.