One of my friends has a great way of calming down the control freaks in his business.
When he feels the pressure building, he sends people an email.
He explains the situation and tells them to be a little less "pendantic".
Guess what - they all write back and correct his spelling.
His reply?
"Thanks for making my point."
Wry smiles all round, and tension diffused.
When he told me about this, I wondered what it meant.
We all like to think of ourselves and independent creatures.
Capable of surprises at every turn.
And then someone sets a trap that we walk right into.
Because they've had the chance to observe how we behave.
The kind of traits that are hard to leave behind.
They know that we'll be difficult.
They know we'll be a pushover.
They know we'll spend most of our time complaining.
They know we'll sit on the fence.
They know we'll make a weak joke (OK, that one's me).
So it's up to us to get out of the river that we've made for ourselves.
The theory of consequential action posits that if we change one thing, everything else will follow.
Change the news feeds you read.
Change your breakfast cereal.
Break from the old routine.
Change it up.
Mix it up.
You won't believe the difference it makes.
I knew you'd say that.