Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Early To Bed, Early To Rise

Catching the train yesterday morning, I noticed something odd.

I guess I’ve been getting on at the same time every morning for so long that I hadn’t realised the big change that had taken place.

This time last year, the 7 o’clock train was usually me in my suit (calm down ladies) and a bunch of people in paint and plaster-spattered overalls.

There was always a seat spare, and I even had enough arm room to read the paper.

Not anymore.

Now the carriage is full of my colleagues from the suit army.

I’m also answering more email late at night and making more calls at weekends.

In the last year, the rules have changed.

And we’ve had to change with them.

If you’re familiar with basketball, it’s what they call “full court press”

All action all of the time.

Heads up!