Wednesday 6 October 2010

Briefs In Pitches Out

Responding to briefs can feel a bit like a factory process
Especially when we are all so busy.
Going through the motions a bit
‘Muscle memory’ as Julian, my MD at Jack calls it.
Here’s a thought
Someone once asked Jack Lemmon, the Hollywood actor, star of over 60 films, how he made his choices.
His answer:
“The ones that terrify me I do”
The ones that stretch him as an actor
The ones that are transformational.
Of course I understand that in this climate we’re happy to have briefs,
But if you load the agency with the usual, you won’t have room for the transformational.
As my dear, sainted mother used to say at the all-you-can-eat buffet:
“Don’t load up with the bread, as you won’t have room for the smoked salmon.”
Chips anybody?