Monday 17 August 2009

Frankie Says RELAX!

Hard to believe (for anyone who knows me) but I recently went away on a short break.
Sitting at the airport waiting to board my flight, I was amazed at all the business people sitting with their families.

They all looked a little uncomfortable in their civilian clothes, like they hadn’t quite shaken off work mode.
Hushed conversations trying to chase down deals before their BlackBerry was switched off for the last time, usually disguised as “Just going for a wander round the shops.”
What a difference it made when I saw the same frazzled executives coming off the return flight.
Their feet in flip-flops, trousers rolled up.
Laughing and joking with their kids hanging off their arms.
A smiling, relaxed partner..
The mobile phone buried in the hand luggage, out of sight and definitely out of mind.
In the space of a week, they’d gone from nowhere to ‘now here’ (TM)
Now, doesn’t joy like that deserve more than a once-a-year outing?

(TM Mike Myers The Love Guru).