Thursday 9 December 2010

Helter Skelter

It's so easy to slip into a spiral of negativity.
When the pressure's mounting, it seems like the only way is down.
And down and down and down.
We start to moan.
We say no instead of yes.
And we worry about the stuff that's not getting done, rather than focusing on the things that are.
Of course, we're all unique snowflakes.
No-one's ever gone through what we're experiencing.
At least, that's what we tell ourselves (it helps with the spiral).
But the human condition hasn't really changed in hundreds of years.
As Aesop, that most illustrious of fable spinners, once said:
"Be content with your lot; one cannot be first in everything"
Take comfort in the fact that you're not alone.
And remember that no-one expects you to make the right decision.
Just a decision.
Then move on.
And up.