Way back in the 1980s, it seemed ok for us to treat football like we were animals.
The grounds were toilets, the toilets were even worse.
No facilities.
No comfort.
We allowed ourselves to be caged in.
As a result, we behaved like animals.
Now look at the state of play.
The grounds are spectacular.
The facilities are great.
Even the travel options are improving.
Surprise, surprise, the fans are better behaved too.
In fact, it’s now the players who get into trouble.
Often, in the business world, we look for a “grown up” to take on a project.
I hate that phrase, by the way, but that’s not my point.
Expect the best not the worst.
I believe that if you give people the authority and responsibility to do the job, you can sit back and watch them deliver.
Treat them well and they’ll respond.