Thursday, 16 September 2010

Our Man In Manchester

Remember I promised you more about my adventures in Manchester?
Well, never let it be said that I’m not a man of my word.
One of the things that really stood out from the conference was the genius of Daniel Pink.
I highly recommend his new book ‘Drive’ – it’s really amazing.
One of the things I took from it I’m already putting into practice.
It’s the concept that mastery of your chosen profession is an asymptote.
What’s an asymptote you ask?
It’s an algebraic term for an unattainable target.
Imagine that you have to walk across a room to the other side and you can only step half the distance of your previous step.
It’s at same time both hugely frustrating and tremendously alluring.
But we all want to get better.
It’s a huge driver for us.
The constant search to get there never ends.
But it is a joy to keep trying.
So start now.