Yesterday I was thinking about quality time, and how that can drive you forward, professionally and personally.
“But how am I supposed to do that?” you cried.
Well, three of you cried anyway.
Look, I get it.
You’re busy.
You and me both.
There aren’t enough hours in the day.
So much to do, so little time.
Stop me if you’ve heard any of these before.
Actually, don’t bother – no time for that now.
Here are my suggestions to get you started...
You could begin by getting the day’s worst task out of the way first.
Eliminate that nagging feeling before 9.30.
And keep your inbox clear.
More than fifty messages is too many.
Quick requests should be dealt with quickly.
Click ‘reply’ sooner, rather than later.
Give 15 minutes to admin and you’ll save yourself hours in the long run.
There you go – four free tips in the time it took you to read this post.
Now you’ve got time to be getting on with what you should be doing.
Rather than getting caught up in what you have to do.