Friday, 23 July 2010

Sharing The Love

OK, I admit it.
I’m a relationship junkie.
Sometimes they’re all I think about.
And I can’t stop talking about them.
You may have noticed.
The thing is, they’re the key to all business success.
It all comes down to the partnerships you forge.
With your agency.
With your clients.
With the people around you.
The relationships may differ, but the rules don’t.
Trust, honesty and openness.
I mention this because I spent the day with some clients yesterday.
And that’s exactly how it felt.
I came back to the office full of excitement about the future of our relationship.
When you think about it, we spend more time at work than we do at home.
So the relationships we build had better be good.
Otherwise........ and .........................
(You’ll need to fill in the blanks yourself – I can sense trouble brewing in my personal relationship if I finish that sentence)