There's an old adage in sales that nobody really sells anything.
You can only help people who already want to buy something choose
your offer over someone else’s.
It’s not a perfect concept, but that’s for another day and another blog.
But there’s a sound principle at work here.
It’s always useful to think about what will make someone choose you rather than one of your competitors.
Let me give you some clues.
They won’t choose you for your annoying persistence.
For never calling.
Or for not caring.
Remember, we’re in the relationships business.
Nobody wants a stalker.
But they also get tired of people who play hard to get.
So you need to offer support where you can.
Show that you’re always ready.
And make it clear why you’re there.
Don’t be afraid to ask for the business.
As one of my mentors once told me: The salesman’s job is all about the two As.
That’s affable and available, in case you were wondering.