Monday 12 July 2010

Talk About A Cliffhanger

Remember the good old days when you just needed to stick a pack-shot, a logo and strapline in front of your target audience?
I’m not so sure that they were ‘good old’ days.
The competition may be tougher, the world may be more sophisticated and the audience may be smarter.
But the opportunities are also much greater.
Raising awareness is yesterday’s news.
Any brand that wants to be current, relevant and successful has to engage.
Changing beliefs and behaviours doesn’t happen with a 30 second TV spot.
It demands a combination of education, persuasion and experience.
And the same rules apply whether you’re talking to consumers or other businesses.
They’re all looking for points of connection, with your brand and with each other.
They don’t want to be interrupted by a disruptive child shouting “Look at me, look at me.”
They want a value exchange.
Experience brands are the ones that give something back.
They add richness to your life as a direct consequence of the experience itself.

So create experiences that engage and you will get a happy ending.