Monday, 30 November 2009

What Do You Think?

According to psychologists, there are two main ways in which people process information.

Automatic thinking is all gut instinct, making knee-jerk decisions without really considering the implications.

Reflective thinking is the exact opposite.

Its very considered, looking deeply into a subject before making any kind of decision.

One is a little like Homer Simpson, the other is more like Mr Spock.

Hopefully I don’t need to point out which is which.

Anyway, the point of all this is that in any sales process, you have to be aware of both of those styles.

It’s all too easy to breeze through a pitch and come out assuming you’ve got the business because of all the nods and smiles throughout the presentation.

That’s because you’re basing your perception on the feedback from automatic thinking.

Once you've left the room however, the reflective thinking kicks in to investigated your offer in a little more detail.

The flipside is that you focus on the detail and the protocol, but forget all about the easy wins, the instant agreements.

Everyone uses both types of thinking so be sure your content plays to both.

If you need a clue, watch for donuts and pointy ears – they’re a dead giveaway.