Friday, 30 April 2010


There’s an old adage that in order to win business, you have to "match" your client.

Dress like them, talk like them...... think like them.

I disagree.

Clients don’t expect to spend their day feeling like they’re looking in a mirror.

They want you to be like yourself.

No client expects you to know everything about their business.

They need you to know about your business

They’re coming to you for some fresh thinking.

A new perspective.

Rather than “How much are they like me?”

They’re thinking “How much do I like them?”

So it’s great that the board of Jack Morton has such a cheeky, quick-witted sense of humour.

They’re great fun to be around.

That kind of behaviour is contagious.

It makes clients want to work with us.

And it gives everyone in the business the freedom to be themselves.