In one of the meetings we wanted to shake up the thinking a little so we decided to put everyone in the room on the spot by asking them what their personal brand stood for.
Slightly unfairly, but very enlightening.
Some responded instantly, others took their time.
All of them realised that the point was about the power of the personal brand.
All the leaders and senior figures in our lives stand for something unique, even if it’s not necessarily something that we like.
Your true value to a company isn’t just doing your job, that’s what you get paid for.
If you are thinking “If I do what I’m told, I’ll always be valuable.”
Then you are mistaken.
That viewpoint only commoditises what you do and there is not real value in that, because in reality, all you’re doing is filling a hole.
The key to getting ahead is finding the thing (or things) you can bring to the business that no-one else can.
The more the company that you work with recognises that and "invests" in it, the greater the results for all.
All of them realised that the point was about the power of the personal brand.
All the leaders and senior figures in our lives stand for something unique, even if it’s not necessarily something that we like.
Your true value to a company isn’t just doing your job, that’s what you get paid for.
If you are thinking “If I do what I’m told, I’ll always be valuable.”
Then you are mistaken.
That viewpoint only commoditises what you do and there is not real value in that, because in reality, all you’re doing is filling a hole.
The key to getting ahead is finding the thing (or things) you can bring to the business that no-one else can.
The more the company that you work with recognises that and "invests" in it, the greater the results for all.
That’s what’s irreplaceable, where you create value for the company and yourself.
So what’s your brand?
So what’s your brand?